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Home News Chrism Eucharist 2021

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Chrism Eucharist 2021

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Apr, 2021 12:43 AM

With many Covid restrictions still in place, this year the traditional Diocesan Maundy Thursday Chrism Eucharist took place online, but was still a truly inclusive event that saw many of our clergy and lay ministers, reaffirming their commitment to ministry.

Unlike last year, when the first lockdown restrictions led Bishop Nicholas to pre-record the Eucharist and bless the oils for ministry from the chapel in his home, this year the service was live streamed from our Cathedral.

Before Covid, clergy and lay ministers from across the Diocese travelled to our Cathedral on Maundy Thursday each year to celebrate the Chrism Mass together, but today they were invited to join the service from their own homes or churches. And for the first time, clergy and laity from the Channel Islands joined us for this special Eucharist.

During the Service those in ministry were invited to renew their commitment, with clergy invited to re-affirm their ordination vows. Prayers were also said over the oil for the anointing of the sick and dying, the oil for the signing with the cross at baptism, and the oil of chrism, which gives its name to the Eucharistic service.

Chrism, also called myrrh or myron, is a holy anointing oil that is used for confirmation and at the ordination of priests, and represents the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

The Bishop's sermon is available here.

A recording of the service is available here.

Selected pictures from the service are below.

Chrism Eucharist 2021- through the service

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