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Home News Chorister for a Day? We love it!

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Chorister for a Day? We love it!

by glynch last modified 17 Nov, 2016 07:23 PM

Cathedral event for potential new choristers a success

Chorister for a Day? We love it!

Photo (C) Ash Mills.

Salisbury Cathedral’s annual Be a Chorister for a Day event is always popular and this year was no exception. Last Saturday, nearly fifty children spent the day learning about Cathedral life and visiting the Cathedral School.

The children from Years 2, 3 and 4 were given special behind-the-scenes tours, did craft activities and played games, while their parents spent time exploring what it means to have a chorister in the family.

The youngsters also watched a video made specially by Ash Mills, the Cathedral’s regular photographer, and they spent time in the Cathedral School. There was plenty of singing, culminating in the youngsters joining the current Cathedral choristers in the Quire to sing at Evensong.

Be a Chorister for a Day marks the start of next year’s chorister recruitment programe. For most the day will provide some wonderful memories: for others it could result in a life changing opportunity.

David Halls, the Cathedral’s Director of Music said, “We always enjoy Be a Chorister for a Day. The children really engage with the activities, especially the singing, are very open to learning and taking part. For us it is a friendly and informal way to do some talent spotting and, as ever, I am sure that somewhere amongst the group we entertained there are some of tomorrow’s choristers.”

A further recruitment opportunity is being held on Saturday 5 December when the Cathedral will be holding a Voice Trial Workshop.

The workshop is a useful preparation for the voice trials held early next year. It lasts about an hour during which time David Halls, Director of Music at the Cathedral, takes the children through all the musical elements that will be tested including how to practise a singing piece, vocal range exercises, picking out notes in chords, clapping a rhythm, singing back a melodic phrase and sight reading. 

Parents are welcome to attend and there will be time for questions. Voice trial dates for next year are:

Boys Voice Trials: Saturday Saturday 21 January 2017
Girls Voice Trials: Saturday 4  February 2017

For further details please email Kathy Davies, the Cathedral’s Chorister recruitment Officer at or by ringing 07979378926.

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