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Latest Chorister Bishop

by ajack last modified 15 Dec, 2021 05:37 PM

13-year-old Isabel Moss, from West London, plays piano and flute, likes art, is a member of her school’s under-13 hockey team - and is now a Chorister Bishop!

Isabel, a boarder at Salisbury Cathedral School, was made Chorister Bishop at Evensong on Sunday 5 December, temporarily taking over the role of bishop for the duration of the 45-minute service. During the service the Acting Bishop of Salisbury stood aside whilst Isabel, the Chorister Bishop stepped up into the Cathedrals’ Bishop’s throne wearing the Chorister Bishop’s robe, mitre and ring and carrying a staff. From the Cathedral, she delivered a sermon and led the choir and congregation in prayer.

Being chosen to be the Chorister Bishop is a great honour for a chorister and marks their contribution to the choir and Cathedral music. 

David Halls, Director of Music at Salisbury Cathedral said: 

“Isabel is an exceptionally good singer and an excellent role model for the younger choristers. She’s has been in the choir for 4 years and was made a senior chorister in September. She knows how to work hard but enjoy life, which is exactly what we want our choristers to do. Singing with a Cathedral choir is a big responsibility but also great fun.” 

The Chorister Bishop or Boy Bishop tradition goes back to medieval times, when a boy chorister held the office of bishop from the Feast of St Nicholas (the patron saint of children) on 6 December until the Feast of the Holy Innocents on 28 December. During that time, medieval child bishops could appoint clergy and distribute the Church’s money as they saw fit. Today, the chorister is as likely to be a girl as a boy. Salisbury Cathedral appointed its first Girl Chorister Bishop in 2015.

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