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Home News Cheerful Chirton Primary School embrace their spirituality

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Cheerful Chirton Primary School embrace their spirituality

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Feb, 2022 04:27 PM

Chirton Primary School made a special video in response to Children's Mental Health Week, which took place last week.

The statistics on Children's mental health were released ahead of the week, with shocking revelations – the topmost being that 95% of school staff in the UK have seen a rise in anxiety and depression in their pupils. What makes the video from Chirton Primary School so special is that they have been brought into the narrative of mental health, which both decreases risk of hidden issues, and empowers them to be themselves and embrace their spirituality. 

Amy Bekker-Wrench, headteacher, writes: 

"Our vison is that: ‘We are the little school with a big heart and with God by our side we love, learn and flourish together.’ At the heart of our vision is commitment to nurture each child’s spiritual awareness and curiosity, creating an atmosphere where everyone’s spiritual character can flourish within a vibrant school community in which children grow into people of compassion, courage, aspiration and joy. 

Spirituality flows through the heart of our school. Our unique relationship with the natural world inspires us to create precious spaces of stillness where we can simply be. Taking time to reflect on ourselves, others, our world and beyond. 

We live out our vision through our school values as below: 

Here in God’s Love: We embrace learning with happy hearts and show compassion to each other. 

Embracing Equality: We respect all living things. We treat others, as we would wish to be treated. 

All in Friendship: We encourage and support each other. Celebrating everyone’s journey towards reaching for our best. 

Ready to Forgive: We aspire to be gentle peacemakers, following in Jesus’ footsteps. 

Together in Trust: We confidently explore our wonderful world, and see our mistakes as steps towards new understanding. 

Although we feel that spirituality is part of our daily lives here at Chirton, it can sometimes be difficult to demonstrate this to others. We therefore put a short video together so that everyone could so how special this area is to us all. We chose to launch it during Children’s Mental Health Week to remind people of the importance of looking after our minds as well as our bodies; we hope that all who see it will take some ‘Joy,’ ‘Faith’ and ‘Courage’ away with them." 

Watch the video here.

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