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Chaplaincy in Education

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Feb, 2021 07:18 PM

With regular school and social life disrupted by the pandemic, young people need all the help they can get - as do teachers, as they 'rebuild the plane while flying it'.

Our Education support staff and advisers have been working with schools to tackle issues of mental health and Christian distinctiveness, and have come up with a new initiative, in partnership with a familiar and trusted organisation.

School Improvement Adviser Debbie Heritage tells us:

"With recent NHS research now showing that 1 in 6 young people are struggling with issues around mental health, we were delighted recently to create and recruit a new Chaplain to work with DSAT across their Thrive Hub in north Wiltshire.

"Concerns around supporting friends with their mental health, having trusted adults to talk to and space to answer big questions feature regularly in our consultation with children and young people across the diocese, and so we are delighted that this role can provide a bit of space to step into some of those concerns.

"Kindly funded by the St Denys Trust the Chaplain, Rob Jackson, will work with Salisbury-based youth work charity The Bridge Project, who have many years’ experience employing school-based lay chaplains to support the students of the school as well as developing links between the schools and their local churches."

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