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Home News Channel 4 News comes to Dorset

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Channel 4 News comes to Dorset

by Michael Ford last modified 21 Jun, 2019 04:19 PM

A recent feature on rural poverty for Channel 4 News chose a Dorset town for its subject matter and featured the local priest.

Channel 4 News comes to Dorset

Image courtesy Channel 4

The Revd Jo Neary, from Beaminster Area Team Ministry spoke several times during the film on the impact of of rural poverty within her community.

In the film Jo is also seen walking from the Church and in the town, and she spoke on some of the many problems her parishioners can face

Jo said:
"We were happy to contribute to this film on rural poverty, sadly although i spoke about the role of the church, the actual bit about the church didn't make the final edit. But it was still a great film, highlighting a very real issue."

See the whole film here

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