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Home News Chalke Valley churches help with Welcome Packs for Veterans

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Chalke Valley churches help with Welcome Packs for Veterans

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Dec, 2019 05:26 PM

Thanks to the support of churches from the Chalke Valley Benefice, Veterans moving in to Entrain Space this week have been presented with 'Welcome Packs', providing them with everything they need from mugs to mattresses.

Assistant Curate Roger Leake presented 2 residents with a selection of items to mark the occasion.

The money raised for the items came after the churches completed a variety of fundraising events over the past 18 months. This enabled the Veterans to be provided with the household essentials they needed upon moving in.

Entrain Space has been created by Our Enterprise as the UK’s first residential programme of personally tailored enterprise training for Veterans in a community setting.

Alabaré has supported the Our Enterprise development of Erskine House since its early stages, and is proud to be the housing operator for the new Entrain Space. The Alabaré team provides support to Veterans already living on site.

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