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Celebrating Lay Ministry

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Oct, 2019 10:22 AM

Our Cathedral hosted a "joyful celebration" of lay ministry in the 50th anniversary year of the first admission of women readers.

Celebrating Lay Ministry

Original photo by Ash Mills

The annual LLM service on Saturday saw not only a sea of blue scarves as the Diocese's lay ministers gathered together to celebrate the vital ministry they perform, but it also hosted the licensing of 4 more of their number.

View photos by Ash Mills

Justin Coldstream was licensed to Parkstone St Luke, Rachel Firth to Broughton Gifford, Great Chalfield and Holt St Katharine, Robert Shuler to Cley Hill Villages and Judy Wright to Trowbridge St Thomas and West Ashton.

All were presented to the Bishops by their respective incumbents.

Canon Judy Anderson, Diocesan Associate Warden of Licenced Lay Minsters said:

"It was wonderful to have a large congregation who had come from the candidates’ home parishes to support them, alongside friends and family, some of whom had travelled long distances in order to be there.

"We also formally welcomed Graham Stevensen, who transferred earlier in the year from another diocese and is ministering in the White Horse Benefice.

Celebrating Lay Ministry- LLMs 2019 by Ash Mills

"The annual LLM service is a joyful celebration of new ministry, of ongoing faithful service to the Church, and of the 50th anniversary of the admission of the first women to the office of Reader.

"Debbie McIsaac, LLM in the Clarendon Team, preached a challenging sermon which provoked much thought and discussion."

If you are interested in becoming an LLM, click here for more information.

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