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Home News Cathedral re-opens for private prayer as lockdown guidelines ease

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Cathedral re-opens for private prayer as lockdown guidelines ease

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Jun, 2020 11:40 AM

On Monday 15 June, following government and Church of England guidance, Salisbury Cathedral will open daily for private prayer between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm Monday to Saturday, and 11.30 am to 2.00 pm on Sunday.

Cathedral re-opens for private prayer as lockdown guidelines ease

Courtesy Ash Mills

People will be encouraged to move steadily along it, pausing only to light a candle or say a prayer.

Numbers permitted to enter the Cathedral at any one time will be limited, but all are welcome and booking is not required for prayer. Depending on how many people wish to come and pray, worshippers may need to queue.

Visit the Cathedral website to find out more.

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