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Carving the Cross

by glynch last modified 16 Dec, 2016 04:44 PM

Wilts youth group gets hand carved cross from fellow parishioner

St Denys the Minster at Warminster’s youth group has had a new cross carved for its meetings by another worshipper at the church

Tim Spinney, the youth group leader, knew that Peter Baxter, who edits the parish magazine, was a keen and skilled amateur carpenter.

Tim Spinney writes, “This started out when my wife Jill discovered when she was doing Sunday School that we had no freestanding small, easily movable plain cross at the Minster.

“I had for some time wanted to have a cross at our Minster Youth Group (MYG) meetings, as we are, after all, a Church organisation.

“I knew of Peter's skill as a carpenter and when I asked him if he could make a cross for us, he readily obliged. The cross is designed for the use of all and can easily be carried to odd places – like the top of Cley Hill, where we hold our MYG Sunrise Communion in May.

“I’d like to thank Peter for making the cross for MYG and for all.”

The Revd Carole Owen, Associate Priest at St Denys the Minster, said, “MYG is relatively small in number but happy to grow. We work on an inclusive basis of all, and the leaders include adults from the congregation, parents, friends, foster parents and carers. We meet on the first Friday of the month in the Minster, and have an annual programme of activities including involvement with the Minster church.'

Peter Baxter said, “I was very happy to be asked to create a cross for the MYG. I wished it to be unique and came up with the design of an inlay running all the way up the cross and opening out into a Y at the top – Y to represent youth, and also outstretched arms reaching out from the Cross to face the challenges of life and the world.

“I used walnut for the cross and the inlay is made from satin wood which has a lovely grain and is lighter in colour. I was very honoured to be present when Rev. Carole dedicated the cross and I was able to present it to Tim and Meghan.”

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