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Carry on with your Calling

by Michael Ford last modified 07 May, 2020 05:12 PM

Coronavirus may have kept most of us in lockdown and our churches closed, but for those who have felt a call to licensed lay ministry there is no need to wait to find out more.

Carry on with your Calling

Photo of Debbie Orriss by Gerry Lynch

Licensed Lay Ministers are "authorised" by the Church to carry out a vast range of ministries. Some preach and teach, enable conduct funerals and offer pastoral care.

And those who feel called to this ministry undergo a discernment process alongside our Discipleship Team so they can find out what God is calling them to do.

Normally this happens face to face, but with lockdown, the process is taking place virtually.

Debbie Orriss, our Discipleship Co-ordinator explains:

"I’m pleased to say that despite the current Covid-19 situation, we are still going ahead with our Licensed Lay Ministry Discernment Panel.

"This day is to meet with some of the folk who have come through our Diocesan vocations process towards training for ministry as a Licensed Lay Minister.

"We have adapted the shape of the day, and will be using various platforms to ‘meet’ with the candidates as well as worship together."

And Debbie is making sure all the technology will be in good working order on the day:

"I’ve practised ‘connecting’ with each candidate, so we’re good to go!" she said.

Lay ministers are often seen as a ‘bridge’ between a church and the world. They may be able to minister in contexts where clergy are not so readily accepted. Lay ministers are constantly discovering new and flexible ways in which to serve.

Licensed Lay Ministers usually work as part of a ministerial team under the guidance and direction of their incumbent or priest-in-charge. A lay minister’s main area of work may be in the parish, or it may be in a chaplaincy environment such as a hospital or prison.

Both the Diocese and the Church of England place a high value on this ministry, and theological education on a degree of parity with their clergy colleagues is regarded as essential.

Might God calling you to be an LLM? Why not get in touch with the vocations team to explore further.

Contact Louise Appleby, the Team Administrator, via .

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