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Caring for God's Creation

by Michael Ford last modified 24 Jul, 2021 02:07 AM

In an Eco Diocese, with a challenging Net Zero target only years away, time is of the essence. What can we do to address the Climate Emergency and make lasting changes for the better?

In this Diocese, we are providing resources and joining forces.

David Morgan, Chair of our Diocesan Environmental Group, says:

"This autumn, we are running a course for Eco Champions in the Diocese designed to equip and encourage ministry in the local church and community. This course will resource and inspire participants to lead their church on a journey towards greater care and concern for God’s wonderful Creation.

"The content will cover the theology, science and practical action aspects of caring for God’s Creation. The programme consists of an opening and closing sessions in person(on Saturdays), plus six evening online sessions spread over a term.

"We ask participants to commit to being present at every session so that they, and those they are learning with, get the most of out of the training."

Each of the six evenings will involve some pre-session online materials to work through, followed by Zoom sessions with a trainer, one of which will be David Morgan.

The training will be done with fellow ‘Eco Champions’ in the Diocese of Winchester, as part of their Bishop’s Commission for Mission programme. The cost is £40 per person.

Flyer here.

Students of the two previous courses have written:

"I appreciated the Creation Care programme enormously."

"It has helped me to understand more about the whole concepts of climate change, global warming, loss of biodiversity, 'Net Zero Carbon' and so much more and to express myself more clearly. It has given me confidence and knowledge in a clear accessible way."

"I feel I've learnt so much and it was so good to ground it all in the Christian aspect first. I need to keep coming back to that as it's very easy to be all 'doom and gloom' about where we are heading otherwise."

"I feel even more enthused to talk with people, share ideas and encourage actions. I feel the urge even more and it has increased my passion to do what I can in my lifetime."

"The course has given me a much better understanding and bigger picture of how our parish fits into the Diocese and wider church."

"The programme has helped me to have a framework for how to look at Creation Care from God's perspective and it has also helped me to see how other Christians are engaged in caring for God's Creation."

"A really good opportunity to learn with a biblical focus as well as real life information."

"Very encouraging to meet and share with people from other local churches who share a concern for the environment and are finding practical ways to make a difference."

"Useful to get better theological imperative for caring for our world and to hear experiences and ideas from others trying to promote environmental ideas in their church."

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