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Home News Caring for Creation - Where’s the Prophet in that?

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Caring for Creation - Where’s the Prophet in that?

by Michael Ford last modified 28 Feb, 2020 09:19 PM

A Christian educator who seeks to build the church and equip people for creative discipleship will be leading an interactive seminar at our next Rural Ministry & Mission Day in September.

Jeremy Thomson will be part of a team that will lead representatives of our rural churches in a day that focuses on the ongoing discussion in the Diocese about our stewardship of God’s creation.

Jeremy has called his seminar 'Caring for Creation – Where’s the Prophet in that?' and says:

“In modern Western culture, nature and its elements are commonly viewed as passive raw material, ripe for human exploitation. Could we see the natural world differently, so that we cared better for soil, the seas, and the climate?

“The writers of the Old Testament viewed non-animal elements of nature as active and alive – as persons. God gives tasks to each of his creations in Genesis 1 and speaks through the prophets to the heavens and the earth, to the forests, the mountains and to the wind. Is this simply a primitive view of the world, or could it transform the way we relate to our environment?”

Jeremy has worked in various formal and informal contexts for over forty years, including five years as an Anglican clergyman. He was Vice Principal of Oasis College of Higher Education in London for eight years until retirement in 2017, and now lives in North Pembrokeshire.

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