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Care and support in Dorset

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Jul, 2021 10:07 PM

The Primary and Community Care Team and NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group are asking: 'Care and support in the last years of life: What matters to you?'

This week sees the launch of a survey for anyone with experience of care and support in the last years of life.

The team says:

"Your views are important and will help shape the future of vital services in Dorset.

"Our view seeking survey for patients and family members will run for six weeks. The survey is available online here. You can also find out further information by visiting our website here.

"If you are a member of staff who helps deliver palliative care services, please share your experiences by completing our staff survey.

"We are conscious that not everyone will be able to or choose to access the survey online. People can also request a paper copy of the survey by emailing or calling 0333 241 2495.

"If you prefer, you can share your views in an informal confidential conversation with a member of the team. Please contact us at 0333 241 2495 to arrange. Alternatively, you can share your experiences anonymously online at"

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