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Canons are finally installed

by Michael Ford last modified 07 May, 2021 10:16 PM

After 18 months' delay due to the pandemic and the 2019 organ restoration work, five Canons who were welcomed into Salisbury Cathedral’s College of Canons over 18 months ago were finally able to claim their personal stalls in Salisbury Cathedral Quire on Tuesday.

Canons are finally installed

Jonathan Leigh, Kelvin Inglis, the Dean, Andrew Rowland, the Bishop, Andrew Evans, Janice Audibert. Original photo by Ash Mills

Following the Bank Holiday weekend, the Revd Janice Audibert, Vicar of Christchurch Creekmoor, the Revd Kelvin Inglis, Rector of St Thomas' and Rural Dean of Salisbury, the Revd Andrew Evans, Rural Dean of Bradford and Rector of Broughton Gifford, Great Chalfield and Holt St Katharine and the Revd Andrew Rowland, Rural Dean of Wimborne and Rector of Wimborne Minster and the Northern Villages, and Mr Jonathan Leigh, Master of Marlborough College from 2012 to 2018, were finally installed during Evensong on 4th May.

Traditionally, all Canons who join at the invitation of the Bishop of Salisbury assume their named stalls in the Quire when they join the College, but this cohort have had to be patient thanks to the pandemic.

Happily, earlier this week Revd Janice Audibert took up the Stall of Slape, Revd Kelvin Inglis took the Stall of Winterborne Earls, Revd Andrew Rowland took the Stall of Fordington and Writhlington, Mr Jonathan Leigh took the Stall of Hurstborne and Burbage, and Revd Andrew Evans took the Stall of Yatesbury.

To date, the College of Canons - which meets twice a year to provide a sounding board for the Dean and Chapter (the Cathedral’s governing body) on policy decisions and Cathedral activities - has had to meet by Zoom. It is hoped that, as things ease, they may be able to meet in person once again.

Commenting on Tuesday’s installation, the Dean of Salisbury Nicholas Papadopulos said:

“The canons have waited a long time to take their stalls and we were delighted to see them assume their rightful places within the Quire. It was particularly poignant this time not only because it marks the ending, we hope, of a very dark period in our lives and a slow return to ‘normal’, but also because these are the last canons Bishop Nicholas will see installed before he retires in July.”

The College of Canons consists of the Bishop, the Dean, the Suffragan and full-time Assistant Bishops, the Archdeacons, and every Lay and Clerical Canon of the Cathedral. It meets twice a year to:

  • Perform corporate worship and prayer
  • Undertake duties conferred by the appointment of Bishops Act 1533 on the Dean and Chapter
  • Express through its members the integral relationship between the Cathedral and the rest of the diocese of Salisbury
  • Provide a forum in which the Chapter, as appropriate, seeks its views on matters affecting the Cathedral and keeps such members informed of the work of the Cathedral
  • Receive, consider and express views on the annual report and accounts of the Cathedral
  • Discuss any matters concerning the Cathedral raised by any members of the College
  • Perform any functions requested by the Bishop after consultation with the Chapter

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