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Home News Can You Inspire Digital Mission?

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Can You Inspire Digital Mission?

by Michael Ford last modified 26 Mar, 2019 05:23 PM

Calling all Church Tweeters, Bloggers and Facebookers - the Church of England is looking for you to teach others about digital mission!

Can You Inspire Digital Mission?

Photo courtesy @rev_ollie_b on Twitter

Liz Morgan, Churches Digital Champion says:
"I'm working on new content for our Labs Learning Blogs and I would love to feature some of the good work that churches are doing on their digital platforms to reach new audiences and build their community.

"I'm really keen to hear from any type and size of church as I'm sure there are lots of C of E churches across the country who are using digital in a way that we can all learn from and be inspired by!

"The platforms could be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube, A Church Near You, TikTok etc.

"It could be the way you have used apps or podcasts or it could be for a specific event like Christmas and the #Followthestar campaign, or an ongoing digital strategy."

So, if you are in a church that are using digital well, please send an email to .

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