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Home News Can you help with our Ethical Shopping Map?

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Can you help with our Ethical Shopping Map?

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Dec, 2019 05:18 PM

Our new Adviser for work with Children and Young People is setting up a map that shows where we can shop ethically, and he needs your help to make it comprehensive.

Can you help with our Ethical Shopping Map?

Original photo from Unsplash

Andy Malcolm recently Joined Lizzie Whitbread at our Board of Education as an Adviser.

Before taking on this role, he lived and worked in Brighton in East Sussex, and it was his sustainable shopping habits there that have led him to start a list of the best places to goin our Diocese for ethical shopping:

"One of my favourite parts of living in Brighton was how spoilt for choice I was for living life in a more ethical, sustainable away. One of the joys of being able to get out and about within the Diocese in recent months has been being able to find and connect with others trying to live in a similar way, whether that be through lifestyle choices or through their shopping.

"As I’ve travelled around, I have been fortunate enough to connect with some of the best shops in the Diocese for ethical shopping – predominately focussing on refillables of food and liquids. During my travels, in order to help plan my day, I found it helpful to make a map on Google of all the shops that I have come across to prompt me to pop the empty bottles and boxes in the boot as I move around!

"In recent months, I have discovered that people have been intrigued and interested in the map through gently chatting more about it, and so I thought this Christmas, it might be useful to share it.

"So here it is! It is not anything official, and certainly not comprehensive, but if it is helpful please do use it, and more importantly, please do add to it! If you know of shops that would be helpful to like-minded people, then do let me know, I’d dearly love to add more on!"

View the map here

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