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Home News Can Faith Communities lead the Change?

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Can Faith Communities lead the Change?

by ajack last modified 03 Nov, 2021 03:51 PM

"Whether one likes it or not, the COP26 cannot succeed without faith communities engaging and being actively involved in this"

That’s the view of Salisbury's Canon Revd Dr Joshva Raja, Head of International Bible Advocacy Centre British and Foreign Bible Society. 

Speaking as the world climate conference gets underway, Joshua said it was important that faith communities as well as the government, public and private sectors, need to be engaged and actively involved  if COP26 is to succeed in its ambitions.  

"One can hear a few voices from among the faith communities, but at large, is there widespread apathy or ignorance or even an anti-narrative against this change?  

"Is it worth attempting to change the mindset and make such a mind proactive as if it is part of their God-talk and faith-based action? What change are we looking for?  

"We are caught up in a cyclical restructuring and degradation of our environment through emission, overproduction, and overconsumption that leads to plastic and other enormous wastes. This is not helped by the reduction of green for our large consumption of wood-related industries. Somewhere, our understanding, relations, daily life practices, economy, investments, industrial policies, and our basic consumptions need a slow but urgent change. Such changes cannot be brought about only through the government policies and regulations - though we need a continuous persuasion of political leaders towards such movement. 

"However, this also needs some change in world views, attitudes, and actions among the people so that they too would contribute, not simply by protesting or joining the campaign, but also act a little towards this by having a paradigm shift in their ideas about consumption, waste, and emission. This is not all about whether one walks or cycles towards the job and does not use cars or buy an expensive hybrid or electric car; rather a change of mind towards a holistic approach to life and its relationship with other beings and non-beings. 

"The faith communities can easily relate to the creation story where God is not only seen as a creator in many religious narratives but also God is actively involved in caring for the world both for human beings and for the earth, even in some stories for the Universe. Being a Christian." 

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