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Calling Pioneers

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Feb, 2019 12:26 AM

The Diocese of Salisbury is developing a new commissioned ministry for those who see themselves as pioneers.

Alongside our existing Lay Pastoral Assistants and Lay Worship Leaders, the Diocese will commission Lay Pioneers.

Sr Debbie Orriss, the Diocesan Discipleship Co-ordinator, told Synod on Saturday that:
“Commissioned Lay Pioneers are people called by God to respond creatively to the work of the Holy Spirit outside their local church congregation. They will work with others to gather people into new expressions of Christian Community.

“If you have folk involved in things like Messy church, Café Church, or growing Christian community on new housing estates, this might be their ministry. Do get in touch!

“The discernment and training process would follow the same shape as Lay Pastoral Assistants and Lay Worship Leaders, with a taster session, 10 training sessions and a concluding session.”

Debbie intends to run a pilot in Dorchester, and the Warminster and Trowbridge area, but other pilots could be set up if there is interest.

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