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Calling all song and hymn writers

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Mar, 2021 10:02 PM

Resound Worship and Jubilate Hymns are asking for submissions of original songs and hymns.

Calling all song and hymn writers

Photo courtesy Resound Worship

Resound Worship's 12 Song Challenge is an international community of songwriters, working together to grow in their creative gifts and serve their local church, starting on 1st April.

Resound says:

"Every month, beginning in April 2021, we'll present a new challenge on our podcast. Maybe a theme, a style or a Bible passage. Something to stimulate songwriting. We'll also flag it up in our active Facebook group and in our email newsletters in the 12 Song Challenge area of our website.

"Then, we'll each take it on and see what happens. You'll be able to share your attempts with the rest of the 12 Song Challenge Community and get feedback and encouragement through our online forum.

"Each month we'll reflect and share on the Resound Worship Songwriting Podcast, usually picking out one or two songs from the community to feature as well as sharing our own attempts. That's right, we're in this with you. Add to that interviews and features on the different themes and you've got episodes packed with content.

"Between us we'll create literally thousands of new songs. What a gift to the church. And, you never know, some might just be special!"

Calling all song and hymn writers- Photo courtesy Jubilate
Photo courtesy Jubilate

Jubilate says:

We are inviting submissions from writers everywhere for a new collection of hymns addressing some of the dominant themes of our contemporary world

  • Social justice
  • Racial equality
  • Mental health
  • Refugee crisis
  • Environment
  • Societal divisions
  • Global pandemic
  • Isolation
  • Truth

The collection will comprise around a dozen new hymns, chosen by the Jubilate editorial team. It will be published on the Jubilate website with scores, recordings and lyric videos. The recordings and videos will also be available on streaming services.

Writers are invited to submit a maximum of 2 hymns for the project.

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