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Called to Serve

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Jun, 2020 04:21 PM

This week it's Volunteer Week.

Called to Serve

Courtesy @churchofengland on Twitter

It is the week we celebrate all of the work of our non-stipendiary clergy, pioneers, wardens, lay ministers and the many other individuals who volunteer to serve sacrificially in the church and in their communities.

Our volunteer lay ministers and non-stipendiary clergy are vital to the ministry of the church and during Lockdown they are all serving in new and innovative ways.

From hosting online Bible studies or prayer groups to delivering groceries, or simply calling a neighbour just to check in.

We hope that you will join us in celebrating the work that is happening in and through those who give of their time to be Christ in our communities.

Are you a volunteer, or do you know someone who is? Well, we want to tell your own stories and theirs.

Tell us of the ways you or they are serving that perhaps we would not have expected to serve 3 months ago.

And why not post them on social media with the hastag #CalledtoServe?

The Church of England will work to retweet and share as many stories as they can to amplify these incredible stories.

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