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Home News Buzzing ahead of Christmas

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Buzzing ahead of Christmas

by Michael Ford last modified 04 Dec, 2020 11:17 PM

With many falling on hard times, often unseen, our parishes partner with charities to help those in need - and there can be unexpected delights.

As well as supporting those who are homeless and at risk of homelessness, Alabaré also supports adults with learning disabilities.

The charity recently held one of their Faith Saturdays via Zoom, gathering people from Salisbury and Amesbury, adults with learning disabilities, staff and chaplains. This time the story was that of Martha and Mary, from Luke chapter 10.

Busy, Busy, Busy,
Busy as a bee.
Martha was so busy
She could hardly even breathe.

Church Engagement Officer Helen Inglis says:

"We exchanged greetings, shared news and were delighted to commission a new chaplain, Joyce. As a staff member, Joyce helped to pioneer Faith Saturdays and following retirement has started this new role. Chaplain Andrew led our worship on the guitar and staff member Gemma taught us all the Makaton for ‘He’s got the Whole World in his Hands’.

"We listened to the story of Martha and Mary, before entering into the fun of Bob Hartman’s version, ‘Bzz-y’. We sang it as a blues song and wondered, ‘Where am I in this story?’

"Friends baked bread together, made cakes and created cards to send to other Alabaré homes. Some created masks of ‘pickled chicken heads’, a phrase from ‘Bzz-y’. The emerging themes were ‘the hospitality of home’ and ‘the friendship of God’.

"It was so successful that we have decided to hold a Zoom Nativity, when we can dress up as our favourite characters!"

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