Brunch is now served at home
Over at St John the Evangelist Upper Studley, they are preparing for Palm Sunday.
And the coronavirus hasnt stopped the regulars at Brunch@st James, now renamed Brunch@home, from joining in.
At the end of January the Wiltshire Church launched an new fresh expression of worship for families called Brunch@St John's.
The idea was to move worship from the church to the village hall and serve a hot breakfast, and allow families to enjoy some craft and drama activities as well as some music.
Now renamed Brunch@Home because of the restrictions imposed by coronavirus, the worship continues online, allowing families to join in with a range of the activities, even if they have to prepare their own breakfast.
The Brunch@Home page on the Church website also includes a recording of a story by Alistair and step-by-step craft-making instructions. They also have a Facebook group to where Brunch@Home families can post pictures of the finished crafts with comments like:
"We loved being part of Brunch. Thank you".
"Joining in with our brunch family - a morning of crafts (and we are still going)."
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