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Bringing light from darkness

by Michael Ford last modified 27 Nov, 2019 04:40 PM

A Weymouth Parish has used the theme of darkness to light to explore how they might bring light to the dark areas of Brexit and the climate crisis.

Members of All Saints with St Edmund Wyke Regis spent the day with visitors from neighbouring parishes on the theme of 'Moving from Darkness to Light'.

The Rector, Brother Alasdair Kay said:

"Through song, scripture, contemplative prayer, poetry, and various forms of art such as painting, needle felt, candle making, collage etc we explored together what things are making our world a darker place and then those which would lead us into greater light.

"Themes explored were the Climate Crisis, the effect of Brexit, Homelessness, Consumerism and War in the Middle East. This then led us on to reflecting on how we as a Parish might bring light in the darkness... Christ be our Light!

"Added to this, nearly £200 was given towards Safe Sleep the Weymouth churches Winter Night Shelter.

"What has made this so special is that the whole day has been organised and run by Lay Readers, exercising their ministries in a truly enriching way for the Parish. It is wonderful for me as a Priest to be ministered to by such excellent lay leaders."

He went on to say he had hopes that this would be the first outing for the new Spirituality team that will form in the Parish in January with a role of increasing our contemplative action, deepening us in prayer and social action.

"From this day, a book of Advent reflections has been produced including prayers from Bishop Karen which will shape our times of Centering Prayer following the Evening Office in Advent.

"We are looking forward to more of this especially moving towards next summer's Wyke Sacred Arts Week where for a whole week we will be inviting the community into our beautiful church to engage with God through Art and Prayer.

"We are also looking to hold a Easter Monday Pilgrimage from Wyke to St Katherine’s Chapel in Abbotsbury."

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