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Home News Bradford Deanery marks National Day of Reflection

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Bradford Deanery marks National Day of Reflection

by Michael Ford last modified 06 Apr, 2022 02:16 PM

Wednesday 23 March marked two years since the first national lockdown of the pandemic. Naturally this anniversary holds a lot of weight for most of us, as we all have personal memories and obstacles that the pandemic brought about.

To acknowledge this, people across the country partook in the National Day of Reflection, including members of Bradford Deanery.  

St. Katharine’s Church in Holt, Wiltshire, opened from 11:30 – 12:30 to mark the National Day of Reflection.  The minute silence at noon was observed and afterwards Rev. Katie Jackson, Curate, and Dawn Farmer, Lay Worship Leader, lead a short time of reading (Psalm 23) and prayer concluding with the Lord’s Prayer.  Those attending were invited to light a candle and if they wished to write or draw a prayer to hang on the prayer tree.  An A5 prayer and scripture sheet was available for people to take home with them.  

St. Mary’s Church in Broughton Gifford, Wiltshire, opened from 11:30 – 12:30 to mark the National Day of Reflection.  They held a minute’s silence at noon joining with churches from across the nation and had candles to light.    

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