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'Bound by love, sharing in mission'

by Michael Ford last modified 08 Jan, 2021 08:42 PM

Innovative mission continues in our Diocese in a number of areas - and some are producing resources so that others can benefit from their experience.

'Bound by love, sharing in mission'

Photo courtesy PMC

Poole Missional Communities are launching a training resource, ‘Table’, this month.

Following funding from the St Aldhelm Mission Fund, Table has been over a year in the making. Originally designed as a series of tablecloths for teams to meet for dinner around and use as the basis for a learning conversation, Table has been redeveloped online so that teams can use Zoom and an interactive whiteboard app called Miro.

The Revd Paul Bradbury says:

"We think of a missional community simply as ‘A group of people bound by love, sharing in Christ’s mission for a particular context.’ If you have a group of people who together are sensing a call to be a living, loving Christian witness to your community then this is a great resource to help your formation. If you are already on the journey as a missional community this would be a great resource to perhaps deepen your theological understanding and review your life together.

"The Table resource consists of 5 designed sheets which can be use at whatever pace you and your team would like. They help you explore the theology, missiology and ecclesiology of missional community. They also help you make some decisions together about how you want to do life together as a missional community.

"We are now inviting facilitators of groups and missional communities to train in using Table. We plan to run a series of standalone online events that will give facilitators a firm grounding in the principles of the resource and the practicalities of how to use it well. Each of these online events acts as an access point to all the digital resources needed for you to run Table.

"These include:
• 5 beautifully designed discussion sheets
• 6 short videos introducing the whole process and each session.
• Notes to help you facilitate each Table session really well.
• Videos to show you how to set up the Table environment online and enable your team to interact with it in real time."

The first training event is on Thursday 28th January, 7.30 – 9.00pm.

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