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Home News Blackout 2019 is coming

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Blackout 2019 is coming

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Jul, 2019 04:29 PM

Open Doors Youth is asking young people to switch off their screens for up to 48 hours to raise money and prayer for silenced, persecuted Christian women and girls.

Between 25-27 October 2019, the charity is launching Blackout 2019 and suggests that we all spend up to 48 hours going screen free.

No Instagram. No Snapchat. No WhatsApp. No Netflix. No YouTube. No gaming.

Open Doors says:

"Seal away your smart-phones, put your social networking on hold to instead raise money, prayer and awareness for Christian women and girls persecuted for their faith and gender!"

In return, Open Doors will send a a free Blackout pack* including:
- A Blackout guide with stories to read, prayers to pray and screen free actions to do during your Blackout
- A special Blackout sticker to put over your most-used screen
- A See. Change. moneybox to help you raise money
- And a sponsorship form to help you gather support

Plus you’ll also get access to images to post on your social profiles, links to setting up a simple JustGiving page to help you get sponsors and raise money, and extra guides and resources to help you 'Blackout' as a group.

More details here

*Packs will be sent out at the end of September/beginning of October 2019

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