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Home News Bishop Tim Returns to Wimborne

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Bishop Tim Returns to Wimborne

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Oct, 2018 04:42 PM

Former Bishop of Sherborne Tim Thornton made a return visit to Wimborne Minster for the annual Governors’ service on Sunday.

Bishop Tim Returns to Wimborne

L-R Di Hiscock, Revd Heather Waldsax, Anthony Oliver, Stephanie Shimmons, William Shimmons, Ann Tame, Bishop Tim, Cedric Mogg, Robin Sadler

The annual Service for the Commemoration of Benefactors sees the Minster Governors attend the Parish Eucharist as a body, and was held in Wimborne Minster at 9.45am on Sunday 7 October.

The Right Revd Tim Thornton, formerly Bishop of Sherborne and then Truro, and now Bishop at Lambeth, was accompanied by his wife Sian, and was both President and Preacher.

Chairman of Governors Anthony Oliver read the first reading, Vice Chairman Malcolm Chisholm read the second, and Trustee David Steele led the Intercessions. Robin Sadler, the longest-serving Minster Governor, was also in attendance.

Bishop Tim said, “It is good to be back. Wimborne Minster was always a special place whilst I was Bishop of Sherborne and I came here on many occasions. I particularly enjoyed being able to celebrate Christmas with you.”

After the service, the annual sale of cakes by members of the Sunday School raised just over £200 for Wimborne Food Bank. Following this, the Bishop and his wife were entertained to lunch by the Governors at the home of the Chairman and his wife Christine.

Bishop Tim and Sian with Wimborne Governors

Bishop Tim and his wife Sian (6th from left, partly hidden) with some of the Minster Governors

The Minster Governors were granted their first charter by Queen Elizabeth 1 over 450 years ago, in 1563. Their current charter was granted by Charles 1 on 25th March 1639.

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