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Home News Bishop Stephen Cottrell to be the next Archbishop of York

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Bishop Stephen Cottrell to be the next Archbishop of York

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Dec, 2019 04:06 PM

The Queen has approved the nomination of the Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell as the next Archbishop of York, Downing Street has announced.

Bishop Stephen, currently Bishop of Chelmsford, will succeed Dr John Sentamu who retires in June of next year.

A renowned preacher, author and communicator, Bishop Stephen will be the 98th occupant of the see of York - in a line of succession dating back to St Paulinus in 627AD.

As Primate of England and Metropolitan of the Province of York, he will share in the leadership of the Church of England in partnership with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, at a time of change and challenge for both Church and country.

He said: “I am humbled and excited at the prospect of becoming the 98th Archbishop of York.

“I will receive the baton from Archbishop Sentamu. These aren’t just big shoes to fill, but a big heart and a big vision.

“However, I am not daunted. Archbishop Sentamu and I have worked together in mission on many occasions and I hope to build on the work he has pioneered. Working alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury, I hope to help the church be more joyful and more effective in sharing the gospel and bringing hope and unity to our nation.

“Although I was born and grew up in Essex, I lived and served in Huddersfield for nine years. I know and love the north of England. Two of our children were born there.

“I now look forward to returning and being a voice for the North, sharing the liberating good news of the gospel and helping to address the discrepancies of wealth and opportunity that too often favour the South.”

Archbishop Justin said: “I am delighted that the Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell has been nominated to become Archbishop of York.

“Archbishop Sentamu’s ministry has been extraordinarily significant. In Bishop Stephen there is a worthy successor.He is someone who radiates the joy and love of Jesus, making his hearers want to meet and know Christ better.

“He has been a Bishop for 15 years, and wherever he has gone he has spread the love of God, leading churches to be more confident in what they believe and more passionate in what they do for their communities.

“His long experience in many areas, including nine years in the north of England, means that he brings wisdom as well as gifts in his ministry. He writes beautifully, engagingly and honestly, easily read and profoundly thoughtful.

“Personally, I know that he will be both an encouraging and a challenging colleague, and am sure that working together we will be able to address spiritually and practically the great challenges facing our country, and facing the Church of England.”

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