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Home News Bishop Debates: Does the parish need saving?

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Bishop Debates: Does the parish need saving?

by Michael Ford last modified 22 Oct, 2021 04:15 PM

On Wednesday 20th October, Bishop Andrew took part in an online debate exploring "Does the parish need saving?", hosted by the Church Times.

Canon Angela Tilby, priest, author and regular on BBC Radio 4’s Thought for the Day, and the Revd ADA (Azariah) France-Williams, were also in attendance. 

The Bishop's opening statement was: 

"Yes! But saved from what and for what?" 

He goes on to suggest: 

"We tend not to know what we have until it's gone." 

"The parish system is one of the glories of the Church of England and while the challenges facing it are, in many places, acute, our Church remains faithful to its rooting in local communities." 

The full debate is available to watch here. 

You can read more about Bishop Andrew’s stance in his most recent book 'Parish: An Anglican Theology of Place' published by SCM Press. 

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