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Home News Bishop announces new fund for the Sudans

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Bishop announces new fund for the Sudans

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Sep, 2020 08:20 PM

The Bishop of Salisbury has announced a generous donation to establish a new fund aiming to provide both Sudan and South Sudan with education, training in hygiene, specialist toilet construction and photovoltaic electricity.

Bishop announces new fund for the Sudans

Photo by Richard Budd

Speaking at Diocesan Synod, taking place via Zoom on Thursday September 10, Bishop Nicholas told members:

“When the emergency appeal for the Sudan and South Sudan in relation to Covid-19 was launched in July it was seen by the family of friends of my parents. Members of that family have made a generous gift of £50,000 in honour of our parents, Dermot and Margaret McCracken and Sydney and Kathleen Holtam.

“The gift was made on 1st August, Lammas Day, Loaf Mass Day which celebrated the first fruits of the harvest and used for Communion with God. In this case it is literally the sharing of bread with those in need.

“The purpose of the gift was to ensure that our Diocesan appeal reached its target of £50,000 (for which it is not needed as, thanks be to God, the appeal reached £78,600).

“Then it is to establish a Bishop Holtam Fund to continue, in an area of need which cries out for relief, work the value of which a previous generation witnessed in their lives and professional commitments to healthcare and education. The McCrackens were both doctors and my father was a teacher and trainer of teachers and my mother a nurse.”

The fund is for work in the geographical area of the Episcopal Churches of the Provinces of Sudan and South Sudan, though not restricted to the Episcopal Churches, for any one or combination of the following purposes:

  1. The provision of education.
  2. The improvement of physical and/ or mental health, especially training in hygiene and/ or design and construction of toilets with doors which do not require hand touching for opening after hand washing or sanitising.
  3. The provision of photovoltaic electricity.

This gift is to be spent within 5 years from Martinmass (11th November) or any remaining balance will be given to the Churches Conservation Trust.

Our Bishop's Presidential Address text is here

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