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Home News Bishop Andrew is self-isolating

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Bishop Andrew is self-isolating

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Mar, 2020 10:34 PM

Bishop Andrew is having to self-isolate for the next 2 weeks.

Sending a message from his home as he went into self-isolation for 14 days because his son has come home with the symptoms, he said:

"How odd it is that we must retreat at a time of crisis, rather than gather together! Yet we remain the Body of Christ: isolated, perhaps, but one in the Lord.

"Here in Marlborough, we have needed to withdraw for a fortnight (all is well: my son has mild symptoms), but feel in some ways closer to our diocesan family, as we face this extraordinary situation together.

"The Lord is near and community is breaking out in all kinds of ways through the genius of the local church. More than ever, we give thanks for its roots, resilience and enduring care.

"With the assurance of my prayers, +Andrew."

View his video message here

Bishop Andrew will continue to work from home and hopes to conduct as many meetings as possible by phone or video call.

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