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Home News Bishop Andrew baptises seven children at Coombe Bissett

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Bishop Andrew baptises seven children at Coombe Bissett

by Michael Ford last modified 22 Jun, 2022 11:31 AM

Bishop Andrew visited Coombe Bissett church earlier this month to baptise and confirm seven children, alongside three more children who were also confirmed. The Revd Canon Jenny Taylor writes about the day.

Bishop Andrew visited Coombe Bissett church earlier this month to baptise and confirm seven children, alongside three more children who were also confirmed. The Revd Canon Jenny Taylor writes about the day: 

I am sure you have all heard of the African proverb, 'It takes a village to raise a child'?, Well, in Coombe Bissett, it takes the whole community to bring a child to Confirmation!  

From the beginning of the school year, the children at the local school are welcomed into the church for services and celebrations, meeting members of the congregation, and exploring and growing to see that it is their church.  

Then back in school through worship, the school values, and RE and PHSE lessons, the children are taught about and experience our Christian faith. They all discuss ideas and beliefs, and, gradually as the weeks go by, their understanding deepens and they get drawn in by the sheer care, love, and trust that is all around them.   

We have question and answer sessions and we all learn from each other. Then the time comes when decisions are made... from April onwards the children from Year 4 upwards, with their parents, make the final decision as to who will be baptised and/or confirmed.  

The pictures you see are the result of that decision! Seven children were baptised in Coombe Bissett church on a gloriously sunny afternoon, and they joined three others and were all confirmed.  

Bishop Andrew led a joyous service which was attended by the school, the staff, grandparents, parents and villagers. The school as one, supported all the candidates and the applause when they led us out of church was both rousing and genuine!  

The children know that God loves them and that they love Him back. They relish the chance to share the meal of bread and wine which Jesus gave us. I am so proud and privileged to be part of these new journeys of faith which the children will be on for the rest of their lives. Next year's service is already in the diary - 26th June - I can't wait!  

The Revd Canon Jenny Taylor 

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