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Big Switch. Flying Start.

by glynch last modified 14 Mar, 2016 04:07 PM

Campaign for renewable energy for churches sees 300 sign up since Ash Wednesday

More than 300 churches have signed up to a campaign to switch to renewable energy for churches, church halls and schools in its first five weeks of operation.

The Big Church Switch was launched on Ash Wednesday and is backed  by Bishop Nicholas, the Church of England’s lead bishop for the environment. The campaign is supported by Parish Buying, Christian Aid and Tearfund, and encourages churches to lead the way in switching to, and therefore increasing the demand for, renewable energy.

Churches can register their interest in switching to renewable energy contracts online at Those that do will be contacted with help and support in making the switch.

Bishop Nicholas said, “Caring for creation is a core part of the Christian faith – biblically speaking, it goes right back to God’s covenant with humanity in Genesis. We have a duty to explore how to reduce our impact on the planet, especially when it is being made so simple.

“This winter has seen the warmest temperatures on record across the Northern Hemisphere and especially in the Arctic. Climate change is happening now. We need to find new ways to act now.”

Find out more information and sign up on the Big Church Switch website at

Parish Buying is a service set up and run by the Church of England to assist parishes in their buying on core purchases like energy, telecoms and office products - saving them time and money to release back into mission and ministry. Find out how your church can save at

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