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Big Sleep is Back

by glynch last modified 01 Feb, 2017 08:45 PM

Christian homelessness charity Alabaré organises another cold weather Cathedral cloister sleepout

Homeless charity Alabaré is calling for the people of the region to sign up to this year’s Big Sleep. The annual sleep out is held in the cloisters at Salisbury Cathedral. The event is one of the charity’s largest fundraisers and this year promises to be even more memorable.  

On Friday 3 March, participants will be asked to dig out sleeping bags and warm clothing and spend the night with other likeminded people, giving them a taste of what it is like to sleep rough this time of year while raising vital funds for the charity’s Drop In Centre in the city.  

Last year nearly 200 people bedded down on the cold, stone floors of the cloisters surrounding the cathedral.  

Mark Darcy took part in The Big Sleep for the first time last year, It was humbling to see such a highly motivated and positive group of people brave the cold and help raise some money for such a great cause, he said. There was a genuine sense of empathy and respect for those less fortunate than themselves and it was an honour to be a part of this event.

Team Alabaré are a selfless and amazing group of people and I look forward to working with them again. 

Martin Field, Development Director at Alabaré said, All the money raised from the Salisbury BIG Sleep will help support people using our Drop In Centre in the heart of Salisbury, Alabaré Place. 

The centre provides a safe and welcoming day time shelter to people who are homeless, facing homelessness or are living in unsuitable or unstable accommodation.  They offer hot food and drink, showers, laundry facilities, a clothing bank and advice and guidance on a range of issues including housing, benefits and health.” 

To sign up and make a difference visit

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