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Big Green Event proves a hit

by Michael Ford last modified 28 Feb, 2020 08:47 PM

“I’m Nicholas and I’m a recovering Carbon User” - that was how Bishop Nicholas introduced himself at The Big Green Event at Exeter Cathedral.

The interactive day-long event linked faith and our environment in a way that clearly inspired all those who attended.

Organisers of The Big Green Event had gathered together a number of speakers from organisations such as Christian Aid, Tearfund and Fridays for Future and they came together with a host of eco stallholders - all showcasing the work they are doing to help tackle the Climate Crisis.

There were workshops covering a whole range of aspects from Energy, Travel, and EcoChurch to 'Worship: Beyond Plough & Harvest Services'.

In his keynote speech, Bishop Nicholas said:

“We all live in the same house, the same ecosphere. This is our house, it’s our common home and we’ve got to pay attention to this.

“I think Christians have a very particular contribution to make. There are scientific, economic and political aspects which are crucial, but people look to the Church and to faith communities for spiritual and moral guidance in relation to climate change.”

The Big Green Event included an international perspective on our 2020 Lent Book: "Saying Yes to Life" and a panel discussion.

There were also activities for the whole family that included sculptures by TRAIL, a voluntary organisation focusing on raising awareness of environmental issues through recycled art.

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