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BH15 Grow Together

by Michael Ford last modified 14 May, 2021 07:56 PM

Many communities experienced a blossoming in community spirit during lockdown, particularly in the first wave of the pandemic, and pioneers are finding ways to build it into the new normal that is emerging.

BH15 Grow Together

Original photo courtesy bh15growtogether on Facebook

In Old Town in Poole, pioneer minister Paul Bradbury and his wife Emily have been building relationships with neighbours for years. The pandemic saw a street WhatsApp group established, and community connections continue to grow.

Read last year's story here.

As measures began to ease, the team felt it was time to suggest a community project for the local area, so that people could keep coming together and building relationships.

Paul says:

"The idea of growing vegetables together as a community had been there for a while and I had had my eye on a strip of land next to the side of our road that wasn't used by anyone. At the end of lockdown I suggested it to people and it taken off from there.

"We got permission from the local housing partnership to use the land and built 2 raised beds. It's been fantastic with so many people meeting one another as they work together!"

Networking has also developed through use of a Facebook page set up last July, and Facebook Messenger.

A questionnaire was issued in February via the 'BH15 Grow Together' Facebook page, to kickstart some interest and help plan for the growing season.

A more recent post says:

"The 2021 season is up and running! Great morning yesterday as we created 2 new raised beds and added manure to the soil. Lots of exciting plans for the coming season. Do get in touch via messenger if you'd like to come and join in!"

Visit the page here.

Volunteers add the first new bed
BH15 Grow Together- first new bed going in- Original photo courtesy bh15growtogether on Facebook

The Revd Paul Bradbury (left) helps add the second new bed
BH15 Grow Together- second new bed going in, Paul Bradbury on left- Original photo courtesy bh15growtogether on Facebook

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