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by Michael Ford last modified 18 Jun, 2019 01:04 PM

Eight giant stainless steel and aluminium sculptures are the latest art works to be displayed at our Cathedral.


Photo by Ash Mills

Sited inside the Cathedral space and on the lawns outside, the large-scale pieces in stainless steel or feather-light aluminium are the products of a solo exhibition called 'Beyond' by award-winning artist Diane Maclean.

'Beyond', which is curated by the Cathedral’s visual arts adviser Jacquiline Creswell, uses the reflective surfaces and colour created by natural light, to "transform industrial materials into something altogether subtler and more other worldly."

Each piece invites the visitor to explore the space in which it stands or above which it is suspended, and each changes perspective or colour depending on the angle it is viewed from. In some cases, the visitor can interact with the work, entering a ‘sanctuary’ or walking through ‘doorways’ to explore what lies beyond.

Speaking about her work, the artist Diane Maclean said:
"I see the materials themselves as an important element in my work. They dictate, in a way, how the work turns out."

Jacquiline Creswell, curator and Salisbury Cathedral Visual Arts adviser said:
"The exhibition allows us to consider the purpose of a place like Salisbury Cathedral as a space to reflect and discuss the possibilities of what we might find when we cross over a threshold. The work extends a truly divine invitation to feel and sense much more than our everyday experience."

Canon Robert Titley, Canon Treasurer and Chairman of Salisbury Cathedral’s Arts Advisory Committee said:
"Bringing work like Diane’s to the Cathedral provides us with an adjunct to worship. Another way of expressing some of the things we understand as believers but find hard to express in words, and a way of sharing our values.

"The Resting Wing for example, evokes the Psalm 91: He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. By using the work to supplement our words and reflections we can extend our understanding and responses to God."

The exhibition, Beyond, runs until Monday 30th September 2019.

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