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Home News Bell Ringing - it's a No from them

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Bell Ringing - it's a No from them

by Michael Ford last modified 15 May, 2020 04:38 PM

In light of the Government’s statement on Sunday, the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers has today released a new summary of the current Church of England guidance and advice on chiming including the need for strict hand hygiene to bell ringers across the UK:

Ringing and chiming:

  1. Ringers should not enter the church or tower for chiming, ringing or any other purpose under any circumstances unless they are the one “appointed person” for that church as defined by the guidance from their Diocesan Bishop.
  2. Not more than one bell should be rung under current church guidance and only by the “appointed person”.
  3. Care should be taken to ensure all clock hammers and any external chiming hammers are pulled off before either chiming or ringing.
  4. Always refer to both Church of England and local Diocesan guidance for more detail.

Hand hygiene for those who are “appointed persons” and wish to chime or ring a single bell:

  1. Sanitiser should be applied to the hands and allowed to dry fully before and after ringing activities.
  2. No other substance than hand sanitiser should be applied to the hands before ringing, including spitting on or licking the hands.

Maximum numbers of people in a ringing room:

  1. No person other than the appointed person should enter the tower at any time and especially during chiming.

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