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Home News Becoming a confident Christian

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Becoming a confident Christian

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Sep, 2019 11:01 AM

Do you find the thought of talking about Jesus to friends, neighbours, classmates or colleagues daunting?

Do you sometimes find yourself thinking “what if I say something that makes God look bad?”

Or wondering what happens if they raise a challenging question or objection to which you’re unable to respond?

Well, you’re not alone! In the fast-paced, sceptical and secular culture in which we live, most of us find evangelism a bit daunting.

That’s why St Paul’s Salisbury in association with the SOLAS Centre for public Christianity and Precept Ministries UK are organising the Confident Christianity conference on Saturday 12th October.

Expect punchy 25 minute talks on a wide range of topical issues from a panel led Dr Andy Bannister, Director of SOLAS and author of books on the Qur’an and the New Atheism. He will be joined by Andy Kind, stand up comedian and evangelist, Andy Moore from the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, and Ed Shaw from Living Out (and the only speaker not called Andy!).

Dr Andy Bannister says he is "Hugely looking forward to coming to St Paul’s" for the Conference.

"It will help you think through some of the big questions that often come up when we share our faith with our friends and help you feel more equipped and confident to talk about Jesus to our friends, neighbours, family and classmates.”

The Conference takes place at St Paul’s Church, Fisherton Street Salisbury on Saturday 12th October from 9am to 5pm. You can buy tickets online at or at St Paul’s Church Office.

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