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Be Prepared

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Mar, 2020 04:55 PM

The annual Scout and Guide Founders Day Service, at which the birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden Powell are celebrated, was held at St John's Church, Upper Studley, Trowbridge.

Be Prepared

Original photo by KJ Hartley

Attendance of members of the Scout movement included former Scouts and Guides from a wide area.

This year Wiltshire County Scout Active Support were delighted to welcome the Revd Alastair Wood, the resident vicar, to lead the service.

Before the parade of flags, everyone was welcomed by Ted Pomeroy and this included the Mayors of Bradford on Avon and Trowbridge, Cllrs Simon McNeill-Ritchie and David Cavill, Trevor Heeks the Trowbridge Town Crier and the West Wilts District Commissioner Chris Broom.

As usual the service was organised by the local Wiltshire West Unit and the congregation included members from Bath, Frome, Mid Wilts, North East Wilts, Salisbury, Swindon, Wiltshire West and the local Trefoil Guild.

A retiring collection was taken for the national charity Mind.

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