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Be Blessed, Friends

by glynch last modified 19 Apr, 2016 12:37 PM

Dean blesses new office for the Friends of Salisbury Cathedral

The new offices of the Friends of Salisbury Cathedral were officially opened and blessed last week by Dean of Salisbury, the Very Reverend June Osborne.

The offices at Ladywell, 33a The Close, are just a few yards from the offices The Friends have occupied for half a century at number 52.

In a ceremony attended by trustees, members and staff, The Dean, who is president of the 3,300-member charity, thanked the Friends for all they do for the Cathedral and said the offices would be a focal point for members and visitors alike, offering a welcome and hospitality.

She signed the lintel of the front door with the sign of the cross before going inside and blessing the rooms by sprinkling them with holy water.

“May this be a place of welcome and work, of reflection and awareness,” she said.

“Lord, bless, hallow and sanctify this place, that in it there may be charity, peace, humility, kindness, gentleness, health, obedience and thanksgiving to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

Friends’ chairman, Captain Duncan Glass said: “The Friends are very grateful to the Dean and Chapter for facilitating the move to Number 33a - a more prominent location with a better workspace.

“Our new offices and new environment give us a great opportunity to grow and prosper, and to do more in the future for the cathedral we love.

“We look forward to welcoming everyone.”

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