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Associate Ministry gets new Support

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Mar, 2020 04:38 PM

A former Retail Chaplain has been appointed as the new Wilts Archdeaconry Support Officer for Associate Ministry.

The Revd Teresa Michaux, who is a House of Duty Associate Priest currently living and serving in Calne in the Marden Vale Benefice, said:

"I am delighted to be appointed as the Archdeaconry Support Officer for Associate Ministry and look forward to meeting up with and helping encourage and support those in the development of their ministries.

"I am particularly interested in helping ensure that Associate Ministers maintain proper life balances between secular work (if appropriate), ministry, family commitments, spiritual life, ministerial development and relaxation. Having worked for many years in secular employment.

"I also want to help advise and encourage Associate Ministers in the exercise and development of their important ministry in the work place."

Teresa, who is married to John and has 2 grown up children, a step daughter and 2 grandchildren, comes originally from Swindon where she worked for many years in a large finance company, before leaving to start training for self supporting ministry with STETS at Sarum College.

She was ordained in 2012 at Bristol Cathedral and served her curacy back in Swindon in an area of deprivation known as Parks and Walcot, and continued there as an associate minister together with being the assistant Area Dean.

Teresa was also a Retail Chaplain for many years and trained as a spiritual director and this has continued to be an important aspect of her ministry:

"I particularly enjoy accompanying those who are discerning God’s call on their lives. I am part of the North Wilts Spiritual Directors network which and is a thriving small network for those of us in the north of the Diocese."

The Ven Sue Groom, Archdeacon of Wilts said:

"I’m delighted that the Revd Teresa Michaux has accepted my invitation to become the new Wilts Archdeaconry Support Officer for Associate Ministry."

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