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Ask the Vicar

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Mar, 2020 05:57 PM

Forget pub quizzes, the latest entertainment down your local is called 'Ask the Vicar!'

About 30 people gathered in the Swan in Wilton near Grafton on Monday evening to 'Ask the Vicar' - the brainchild of Wiltshire priests Colin Heber-Percy and Gerald Osborne.

The pair who both serve in the Pewsey Deanery briefly introduced themselves by saying why they had become vicars and then spent an hour and a half fielding questions.

Some had written questions as they arrived while others chipped in from the floor.

The subjects covered a wide field, including 'What do you do for relaxation?' and 'Why Mary?'

The pair were asked to comment on the recent Bishop’s guidance on heterosexual civil partnerships, which led to discussion on marriage in general.

There were questions on climate change and one questioner asked - 'If you say you are spiritual and not religious, how does that square with being in an established religious institution?'

Ask the Vicar- Gerald reads a question
Gerald reads a question

All questions received answers and the conversation then continued around the bar.

This was the first time the sort of event had been tried as part of the Pewsey Deanery Come and See events, and kicked off this year’s programme with great enthusiasm.

Feedback was very positive, with most saying it was a great initiative and a very interesting evening.

Gerald said:

"Having tried it once, we learnt some valuable lessons and hope that other parishes might invite people to their local for such evenings."

This Thursday, the Come and See programme continues with St Mark Live at Marlborough College.

Having toured the UK with over 30 performances, including the Edinburgh Festival, Gerald and Colin will return with their much-acclaimed performance of the Gospel of St Mark from memory.

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