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Home News Ash Wednesday 2021

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Ash Wednesday 2021

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Feb, 2021 07:20 PM

Across our Diocese, parishes and schools adapted to the current conditions to offer a meaningful Ash Wednesday at the start of Lent.

Bishop Nicholas preached his Ash Wednesday Sermon at Salisbury Cathedral, which was live-streamed. Read the text here and watch a video of the live-stream here.

The national Twitter feed 'Twishop Index' quoted Bishop Nicholas saying:

“If God can be present in bread and wine he’s just as present with us online.”

A number of parishes publicised the service, including Harnham, who also shared a video from the Revd Becky Roberts, and a link for calculating your carbon footprint.

Also sharing a video, Devizes Deanery collaborated across 9 parishes, with an impressive timelapse at the beginning and a sermon by Bishop Andrew. View the video here.

Bishop Karen shared a number of posts, one quoting a poem by Bournemouth University Chaplain Ruth Wells:

Everyday I hear the numbers,
The death toll,
Those words:
'Remember you are dust
And to dust you shall
Life and death
Fragility & beauty
Keeping me grounded
Rooted in you.

Ebble Valley's John Adams shared 'A Sonnet for Ash Wednesday' from Malcolm Guite:

Receive this cross of ash upon your brow,
Brought from the burning of Palm Sunday’s cross.
The forests of the world are burning now
And you make late repentance for the loss.
But all the trees of God would clap their hands
The very stones themselves would shout and sing
If you could covenant to love these lands
And recognise in Christ their Lord and king.

(Read the whole sonnet here.)

The Revd Philip Bromiley, Rector of the Oldbury Benefice, recorded a video for use in schools in next week's Collective Worship, and up on Salisbury Plain, Rector Eleanor Rance tweeted:

"So many people seem defeated by the desert & quarantine of Lent. Given we have already experienced both this year, why don't we just use Lent to reach outwards? Our kids activity bags were on that theme, planting things, making hug cards- reaching out towards Easter & new life."

Beaminster supplied a 2-for-1, with an Ash Wednesday Service available on YouTube, and the more informal 'Rev Chat', with Revds David Baldwin and Chris Grasske, also available on YouTube.

Beautiful visuals were supplied by the likes of Jenny Nelson, who simply shared a video of running water and countryside to accompany Lent meditation, the Revd Adam Bullivant, who shared a trio of stunning black-and white photos, including this one of a cross in our Cathedral, and Colehill, who shared a still life that summed many things up.

See below for all the links we are aware of- and feel free to

On Twitter:

Adam Bullivant- Cathedral cross 
Adam Bullivant- ‘Ash tag’ 
Adam Bullivant- ashes 
Bishop Karen 
The Revd Eleanor Rance 
The Revd Eve Pegler 
Harnham Parish 
John Adams 
The Revd Matt Renyard 
The Revd Sarah Hillman 
Sarum St Thomas 
Twishop Index

Twitter videos:

Gerry Lynch 
Harnham Parish 
Jenny Nelson 
St Mark’s Herston 
The Revd Stephane Javelle

On YouTube:

Beaminster Ash Wednesday Service 
Beaminster Rev Chat 
Devizes Deanery 
Philip Bromiley Collective Worship

On Facebook:

Avon River Team 
Bishop Karen 
Colehill- reverse Lent for foodbank 
Colehill- Pope Francis 
Colehill- still life 
The Revd Jacques Desrosiers 
Piddle Valley 
Red Post Benefice 
St Andrew’s Devizes- Michael Hopkins 
St James' Church Poole 
St Paul’s Salisbury

Facebook videos:

Branksome St Aldhelm 
Christchurch Creekmoor 
Holy Trinity Weymouth 
St James Ludgershall 
St John’s Church Wimborne 
St Mary's Church, Sixpenny Handley 
St Mary’s West Moors 
St Paul’s Salisbury 
St Philip’s Church West Howe 
Vale of Pewsey 
Whitton Team

Linking to the Cathedral live stream:

The Revd Mike Perry 
Harnham Parish 
Hazel Ricketts 
Salisbury Cathedral 
St Thomas’ Salisbury

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