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Are You Called to Lead?

by glynch last modified 20 Oct, 2016 02:13 PM

Diocese provides opportunity for ordained and lay leaders - and potential leaders

A new leadership development opportunity has been launched by within the Diocese’s Continuing Ministerial Development programme, open to lay and ordained people, those who are already leaders and those who are potential leaders.

Called to Lead, which was launched at Harnham yesterday, aims to help Christians fulfil their leadership potential. It offers participants access to leadership days, residentials and mentoring.

Canon Jane Charman, the Diocese’s Director for Learning for Development and Ministry, said, “Called to Lead is a person centred approach to helping each of us fulfil our potential by becoming the leader God calls us to be. Participants each have a named mentor who will help them reflect vocationally and plan appropriate learning.

“David Sims, Emeritus Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Cass Business School, and Veronica Hope Hailey, Dean of Management Studies at the University of Bath, will also be working with us over the next few years to explore and apply the concept of trustworthy leadership.”

Bishop Nicholas added, “Christian leadership is distinctive because Christians are called to be disciples, followers of Jesus Christ. In his way, leadership is about service both within the body of Christ and for the wider world.

“Research tells us what we know instinctively, that the quality of leadership makes a very big difference to individuals, organisations and communities. 

Called to Lead is open to lay and ordained people, and is theological as well as making use of secular materials. I thought the relatively young age range of attendees today was striking, and it was clear there was lots of energy in the room.”

The Revd Paul Bradbury, a Pioneer Minister leading missional communities in Poole, attended the launch event and said, “I thought it was a really stimulating day. I liked the emphasis on leadership and spiritual activity.”

For further information about Called to Lead or to register your interest contact the Revd Tina Draycott on 01722 411944 or A brochure for Called to Lead is available here.

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