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Home News Archdeacon Penny goes to market

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Archdeacon Penny goes to market

by Michael Ford last modified 27 Feb, 2019 01:21 PM

The Archdeacon of Sherborne, the Ven Penny Sayer, found herself moving sheep when she paid her first ever visit to a local Livestock Market.

Visiting Salisbury Market, she was thrown in at the deep end helping with the sheep, before she was introduced to a variety of staff and farmers and some of them told her their stories.

Archdeacon Penny said:
“I must have passed signs saying ‘Livestock Market’ hundreds of times, but this was the first time I’d ever stepped foot inside one.

“What struck me most was the sense of community within the building. Although farmers were competing against each other for sales, everyone mucked in when it came to getting the livestock organised. We all know that farmers work hard, but believe me, getting 1500 sheep sorted and into the right pens was a sight to behold.

“Many thanks to Chaplain Richard Kirlew for introducing me to his community.”

The Revd Kirlew, Lead Chaplain at the market said:
“It was great to welcome Archdeacon Penny on what turned out to be her first visit to a market. It’s amazing the different types of situation that can occur during what may seem a routine visit.

“Today has been no exception. Quite often farmers want someone to talk to and speaking to a chaplain is an obvious solution. With problems surrounding loneliness and isolation, TB, produce prices, farm succession issues and financial issues to name but a few, it really is good to talk!

“A market café, complete with bacon butties and tea really does take some beating!”

Simon Whalley, Chief Executive and Senior Auctioneer welcomed Penny to the market and briefed her on his role, both with farmers and buyers.

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