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by Michael Ford last modified 05 Mar, 2020 05:20 PM

The Archdeacon of Wilts is back in the water.

After raising more than more than £1,400 for the spinal injuries charity Aspire last year, Archdeacon Sue Groom now plans to swim FOUR TIMES AS FAR.

In a bid to raise even more money for the charity, Sue will swim 6km along the River Arun in Sussex in one go on 5 September.

Last year, our Aquadeacon "swam the channel" in a series of shorter swims in pools and the sea to raise the money, but this September she will try a single long sponsored swim.

Sue says:

"In February 2019 I had a hip replacement, which was wonderful, but this was followed by 4 months of severe sciatica.

"Nevertheless I managed to swim 100 miles in lakes and pools in 14 weeks to raise more than £1,400 for Aspire by Christmas. This year I want to continue raising money for this amazing charity, which supports people with spinal injuries.

"Last month I spent a week in Lanzarote on an intensive swimming course with Olympian and Commonwealth champion James Goddard. He worked us hard but also gave lots of encouragement. I now realise how much preparation I am going to have to put in for this year’s swim!

"So, my swimming challenge for 2020 is to swim 6km, that's 4 miles along the River Arun in one go on Sunday 6th September, and that's nearly 4 times the distance of my longest single swim so far!

"If you can sponsor me for this very good cause, I would be very grateful."

You can sponsor Sue here

And watch a short video of the 2017 Arun swim here

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