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Appealing to the Lords

by Michael Ford last modified 17 Jul, 2020 03:08 PM

Bishop Nicholas has mentioned our Sudans Emergency Appeal in the House of Lords.

Appealing to the Lords


During a series of questions about food security in east Africa, particularly in Sudan and South Sudan, where the number of people without access to sufficient food is expected to increase this year to over 16 million, the Bishop said:

“With the economy of the Sudan collapsing and inflation rocketing, the Anglican Archbishop of Khartoum said recently that people would rather die of Covid-19 than of hunger. In South Sudan the Anglican Archbishop of Juba said that mortality rates were already high and, in response to the virus, hygiene and social isolation are difficult—indeed, almost impossible.

“The Diocese of Salisbury has a long-standing partnership with the Anglican churches in those countries and we have launched an emergency appeal this month for at least £50,000 for hygiene and food. What are the British Government doing to support the improvement of hygiene and food in those countries? What does the Minister think we are learning about the motivation for our giving aid to these countries?”

Replying on behalf of the Government, Baroness Sugg said:

“The UK Government will continue to support countries across east Africa, including Sudan and South Sudan. We will ensure that we are providing healthcare, clean water and nutrition where possible.”

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