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Home News An overflow of generosity from around Salisbury Diocese

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An overflow of generosity from around Salisbury Diocese

by Michael Ford last modified 28 Mar, 2022 08:21 PM

In response to the crisis in Ukraine, we have seen communities from all over the diocese rally together to support, give, and pray in any way that they can. Below are just some of the headlines, sent to us directly at Send us your stories and photos, and we'll add them here.

Fundraising for the Ukraine in Chitterne 

The first two cars to be washed at the fundraising event were, by pure coincidence blue and yellow - the colours of the Ukrainian flag. Members of the village community worked very hard, and the Ukrainian flag was flying on the village hall flag pole. 


The hard working washers toiled for four hours non stop, and two “dinner” ladies dispensed drinks and cakes to customers and workers. The event raised in excess of £560.00

Prayer Doves

After his visit to Marden Vale Primary School recently, Rob Jackson, Primary Schools Chaplain at the Bridge Youth Project, said this:

"As ever, I’ve had an amazing day as school chaplain in Marden Vale primary and at the end of today I found myself helping to tie 'Prayer Doves' onto the school railings. Each dove contained a prayer written by one of the school children. The prayers were powerful, full of compassion and all asking God to bring about an end to Russia’s war on Ukraine. I hope you’ll agree that the children did an amazing job with their 'doves of peace prayers’. I was particularly struck by one prayer that reflected the school vision statement ‘With God all things are possible’. 

Pictured in the photos are Headteacher Alison Emmerson and Deputy Headteacher Louise Scrivens

The doves are weatherproof thus giving passers by the opportunity to stop, pause, reflect and hopefully pray for an end to what is happening in Ukraine. Reading the prayers was very moving and reflects the hearts of the children in the school."

“St George’s was transformed into a warehouse” 

As the crisis in Ukraine started to unfold, people across Swanage started donating items to send out to those in need. St George’s Church in Langton Matravers became a collection hub, attracting donations from across Purbeck. 

The Revd James Mercer from St George’s Church reports: 

“St George’s was transformed into a warehouse, thanks to the amazing generosity of the local community, with mountains of warm coats, bedding, tents, food and toiletries filling the aisles. 

“The goods were loaded onto several vans and transported to the Castlepoint collection centre near Bournemouth and should by now be heading towards those displaced by the conflict in Ukraine. 

“All of us at St George’s are grateful to everyone who donated, packed, sorted and offered transport – a great community effort all round!" 

The Church of St Michael and All Angels in the parish of Coombe Bissett with Homington proudly flies the Ukrainian flag from its tower. 

Further into the village our school, Coombe Bissett CofE Primary School, focused on Ukraine in their Collective Worship on Monday 14 March. We prayed for peace and covered a map of Ukraine with donations for the DEC Ukraine Appeal... so far we have raised well over £500! Donations are still coming in and our Parish has also added to the total. 

The Revd Canon Jenny Taylor said, "the generosity of the School community has been heart-warming and matched by that of the parish gives us all cause to thank God for the solidarity of families and Christians the world over. In school we heard the story of Jesus in the Gospel of St Matthew in which he says “As you did for the least of my children, you did for me’”. We all continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and everyone who is frightened."

The churches in the Upper Wylye Valley Team have been raising much needed funds during their Sunday services. 

St Peter and St Paul church in Heytesbury became a central collection point for donations accepting disposable nappies for babies and the elderly, warm, clean children’s clothing, toiletries, plasters, sterilisers, warm blankets, sleeping bags, hand warmers, small toys, and baby food. Heytesbury and the surrounding villages donated a huge amount which is now on its way to help those who desperately need it. 

Tina Sitwell, our churchwarden says: 

“I want to thank everyone who donated items to our appeal. A group of us separated everything into categories such as children's clothing, blankets, sleeping bags, toiletries, etc and bagged and tagged them.  Everything was delivered to Armishaws' depot in Salisbury as they were one of the collection centres. The bags were loaded into a wooden container which will be delivered to their Wincanton depot to join other containers, The containers will then be on their way to various sites in Poland and other border countries”.   

For now, we are concentrating on raising much needed funds whilst the various collecting depots send off their containers. But we are ready to open as a central collection point again, loving our neighbours near and far, and ready to help in any way we can.


At West Moors since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, we have had a candle decorated in the colours of Ukraine...

...lit at every service as a sign of our prayers for that country and for peace. However when it came to praying for Ukraine at Messy Church in March we took a different tack. The Vicar – the Revd Andy Muckle – decided it would be a great idea to paint our nails in the colours of Ukraine as a sign of our prayers for the country and it’s people. 

Andy not only had his nails painted, but also took on painting other’s nails (not being very experienced at painting nails, appropriately in rather a messy way!). Although the nail painting may not have been perfect, it felt a lovely and very visual way of our young people praying for the young people of Ukraine at this difficult time – as if we were reaching out our hands in prayer to them. 



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